I coach startup founders who seek to build impact-oriented, resilient organizations. Try enabling Javascript to view this full page!Ashu Desai | Founder Coach

Hi, I'm Ashu

I coach founders of impact-oriented startups and nonprofits

I spent a decade building Make School - a venture funded university that reached $10m annual revenue and served as a talent pipeline for high growth tech companies. My work centered around organizational design, systems building, and coaching our exec team.

I then spent a year as a visiting partner at Y Combinator studying what makes founders and organizations great across industries and geographies.

I'm now coaching a tightly curated group of founders seeking to build impact-oriented, resilient organizations. I love working with leaders from all backgrounds who are systems minded and strive for excellence.

If you're interested, you can reach me at [email protected]


“Ashu's communication/pitch feedback helped us expediently close our Series C. He’s among the sharpest thinkers in the YC community.”
“It's the perfect balance between someone who's been through the journey and just 'gets it' while also seen enough to understand nuances.”
“His long term perspective and keen awareness of my habits have pushed me to operate more consistently. I've come to trust him as much as I would a cofounder.”